Ford Ranger Lemon Law Cases

Ford Ranger Lemon Law Cases

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If you purchased or leased a Ford Ranger that you believe is a lemon, contact Strategic Legal Practices right away. We can help you determine if your Ford Ranger qualifies for a buyback or cash settlement under California’s lemon law. Our team of experienced lemon law attorneys will review your case history and determine the best solution for you.

Ford Lemon Law

The law requires manufacturers to repurchase or replace vehicles that have significant defects that can’t be fixed within a reasonable number of attempts, usually as few as 2 repair attempts. Whether you’re experiencing stalling, overheating, loss of power, transmission slippage, or any other problem that significantly impairs the safety, use, and value of your vehicle, a lemon law attorney can help.

Our lawyers are dedicated to fighting for consumers’ rights and ensuring that automakers fulfill their warranties. A seasoned lawyer can be your biggest asset in obtaining fair compensation under the law. Manufacturers will try to delay or deny your claim, but our firm is prepared to fight for you.

We’ve helped countless consumers get back on the road in a new car or truck. We’re also skilled at negotiating with manufacturers to maximize your Ford Ranger lemon law settlement. We’ll help you receive a full refund, a replacement vehicle, or a cash settlement that covers all your costs.

What Are the Requirements to File a Ford Lemon Law Case?

If you have a new or CPO Ford Ranger that has serious issues that can’t be repaired after a reasonable number of attempts, it may qualify as a lemon under California law. The vehicle must have a FORD RANGER LEMON LAW significant defect that substantially impairs the safety, use, or value of your vehicle. In addition, the defective problems must be persistent and interfere with your normal daily routine.

The manufacturer must be aware of the problems and not have acted to fix them. You should also have documentation of all the problems and repair attempts. The more evidence you have, the stronger your case will be.

A good lawyer will be able to identify and document all the defects in your vehicle. Our Ford lemon law attorneys can also evaluate your case to determine if you have an implied warranty. Implied warranties are not as well-known as written warranties, but they can provide you with additional compensation under the law.

The best way to protect your rights is to hire an experienced lemon law attorney as soon as possible. Inexperienced attorneys may charge you upfront fees, but an experienced attorney will work on a contingency basis, meaning that they get paid at the end of your case, when you have received the money you deserve. This is an important distinction, because inexperienced attorneys often demand out-of-pocket fees and offer subpar settlements. An experienced lawyer will be able to negotiate a higher settlement for you. Contact us for a free consultation with an experienced lemon law attorney today.


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